Rosa (left) and Margot (right), the Two Raw Sisters.
Rosa (left) and Margot (right), the Two Raw Sisters.

BooksDecember 4, 2024

‘Her energy is as delicious as her recipes’: Two Raw Sisters on their favourite books

Rosa (left) and Margot (right), the Two Raw Sisters.
Rosa (left) and Margot (right), the Two Raw Sisters.

Welcome to The Spinoff Books Confessional, in which we get to know the reading habits of Aotearoa writers, and guests. This week: Two Raw Sisters, aka Rosa Flanagan and Margo Power, authors of More Salad.

The book I wish I’d written

Rosa: I love The Edible Backyard by Kath Irvine. It’s an informative, practical, easy-to-understand book that anyone at any level or interest of gardening can learn from and become inspired. It has certainly been a book that I have gained knowledge from that I have then applied in my own garden and then shared with others to try. It has contributed to my passion of being in the garden and enjoying the satisfaction of growing something from seed, tending and raising the plant, then picking and making something delicious from it.

Margo: The Girl in the Mirror by Rose Carlyle. The best storytelling I have ever come across. How one’s brain comes up with a twisted tale of events to create the most gripping read. Genius!

Everyone should read

Rosa: The Huntress by Kate Quinn because it’s a book that you will pick up and won’t want to put down. It provided me with everything that I love in a book – it was gripping, thrilling, mysterious and romantic. The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris is another book I couldn’t put down.

Margo: November 9 by Colleen Hoover. She’s so trendy right now but you have to read at least one of her books. This was my favourite. Super easy to read and you’re guaranteed to be engrossed.

The book I want to be buried with

Margo & Rosa: Can we say our own cookbooks?! In particular our latest one More Salad. We are both so proud of it and the process of making it from start to finish was such a special journey we will always cherish. It is also our most-used book to cook from at the moment, especially as we come into the warmer weather … all we feel like making are delicious salads to share and enjoy with friends and family.

From left to right: the book that Rosa wishes she’d written; the book Margot wishes she’d written; and the book they’d both be buried with.

Fiction or nonfiction

Rosa: This is a tricky one as I do love both but if I was to choose one it would be nonfiction. I love becoming inspired and learning from other people’s journeys and experiences. Finishing a book and knowing I have taken something practical away from it, that I can then apply to my own life gives me a great sense of satisfaction and motivation.

Margo: I’m drawn to fiction because it provides a break from the everyday. When I read, I want to be swept into a different world, away from the stresses and responsibilities of my own life. It’s an escape into someone else’s intricate story, where I can leave my own thoughts behind for a while.

If I could only read three books for the rest of my life they would be…

Rosa: The Edible Backyard by Kate Irvine; How Not to Diet by Michael Greger, MD; Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus.

Margo: Any Jodi Picoult book (they never disappoint); Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus – so many great life lessons in this book. No matter how many times you read it, you get another little nugget of wisdom or motivation. Kinfolk magazines – not sure if this counts but I get so much inspiration from Kinfolk, whether it be an idea for a shoot, inspiration for a cookbook look, fashion or interiors for my home.

The most underrated book

Rosa: Everything is Beautiful and Everything Hurts by Josie Shapiro is a book that resonated with me in plenty of ways. It brought to the surface many emotions, thoughts and feelings I was, unbeknownst to me, still bottling up inside of me. It took me back to the experiences that I had lived as a high performance runner – all of the pleasures and pain that came with it. It exposed the true sacrifices that can be made both mentally and physically in order to achieve your dreams yet talked through the brutal costs you can see yourself being faced with.

Best thing about reading

Rosa: It’s a great way to remove myself from the general day-to-day tasks and to wind down after a full-on day at work. I have a very busy mind and there are certain activities (reading, gardening) that allow me to switch off and be transported to another place. I love that there is such a wide range of amazing books available to us that we can choose from, depending on what we feel like. Sometimes I love a good fiction and at other times I find myself craving a nonfiction.

Margo: Being so engrossed in a story that you’re totally transported into someone else’s world. Yours just no longer matters.

Best food memory from a book

Rosa: The spring roast chicken with preserved lemon from Ottolenghi’s book Simple. It is oh-so-easy yet every time it comes out of the oven and we dig into it, it is exceptional! I love pairing it with a fresh green Two Raw Sisters salad and some extra crispy potatoes. It is sure to impress anyone and perfect for any occasion be it a weeknight meal (leftovers are perfect for lunches throughout the week), a long lunch in the sun with friends or a Sunday night feast with the family.

Margo: Ottolenghi’s cookbooks in the summer holidays when there are no time limits and all you’re thinking about is the next meal.

From left to right: the book that both Rosa and Margot would stick on their forever list; the book Rosa thinks is underrated; and the book that Rosa is reading right now.

What are you reading right now?

RosaRun For Your Life by Sue Williams, one my mum passed on to me. I am hooked! I do love a true story and I really get sucked into a book when I know this actually happened in real life. I am being transported away each time I open the book and taken on this incredible, yet terrifying journey that this family had to endure.

MargoGoodbye Sarajevo by Hana Schofield and Atka Reid. It’s reminding me of another favourite book of mine, American Dirt. Both delve into the brutal reality of war. Some parts are hard to read, it’s difficult to comprehend that such suffering is happening to innocent people worldwide. It fills me with immense gratitude for the safety and privilege of my life, yet also leaves me feeling helpless and almost guilty for having the security of a safe community and country.

Encounter with an author

Rosa & Margo: We recorded a podcast with Alice Zaslavsky in Melbourne, and it was one of those rare moments where you instantly feel that “I totally get you” connection. It’s like you’ve known each other for years. Alice is vibrant, wonderful, intense yet calm, and as wise as she is from life experience — her energy is as delicious as the recipes in her cookbooks.

More Salad: Two Raw Sisters by Margo Flanagan and Rosa Power ($50, Allen & Unwin) is available to purchase at Unity Books

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