
BooksDecember 13, 2024

The Friday Poem: ‘Cash register ding’ by Eliana Gray


A new poem by Eliana Gray.

Cash register ding

If the price of rigidity is fracture

The price of flexibility is bent over backwards
sleeping on couches seeding twice a day paracetamol

The price of pressure to leave an imprint like the
price of new mountains is the destruction of an edge

Suggestion too has its valleys
whether carved by waters or melt
silt rich fodder for monstrous blooms
I’d say better to be a bottom skipping rock
but everything gets worn down eventually

A tiny snail stretches out its peepers
leaving a trail of slime over the door lip
I’m on my fifth spliff of the day contemplating the important things
the sleeping garden in front of me
stems wintery and indistinguishable
hiss level rain disappearing into the ground

After thirty four and a half years of research
it seems maintaining a state of indeterminate
being is more effective than bend
no need for strain without form
it’s impossible to hold anything
as a shapeshifting cluster
that’s why they say it
everything has

The Friday Poem is edited by Hera Lindsay Bird. Submissions are currently closed.

Keep going!